Chuck Greeson Pushes the Envelope

This was my first feature for Dr. Colley’s Feature Writing and Production class.

Texas Wesleyan University Videographer Chuck Greeson has seen the university grow exponentially in his seven years here.

The UTA alumnus has used his talents in many ways for the department, most notably shooting video and graphic design.

 “I push myself daily to learn something new,” Greeson said. “I am the kind of person who is not satisfied with mediocrity.”

Mediocre is not a word to describe the work Greeson and the rest of the marketing team have done, amassing over one hundred marketing awards for ad campaigns, web design and broadcasting.

“You name it, we have won it,” Greeson said. “I am extremely lucky to get to work with such talented and passionate individuals.”

Greeson does freelance work such as printmaking and video production in addition to his work with the communication and marketing department.

“I do some motion graphics and photography but not too much,” Greeson said. “Wesleyan keeps me busy.”

Greeson contends that the key to being productive working in his field, one must stay organized.

“I learned early on in college that if you cannot manage your time, you will always be behind,” Greeson said. “I am constantly working on several projects at once.”

Greeson takes all these factors into account and plans his projects accordingly.

“This is not uncommon in my field, so I have to stay current on what jobs come in and what jobs are higher priority,” Greeson said. “Obviously, if the president needs something done, that’s a top priority, if it is something for admissions, it can determine if new students enroll at Texas Wesleyan, those projects take high priority.”

Greeson maintains that a typical workday for him can have him doing any number of things for his department.

“I usually get into the office around 7:30 am,” Greeson said. “I start going through my calendar to see what meetings or shoots I have scheduled.”

Greeson stresses the importance of staging his equipment to tackle any number of projects he has that come up during his workday.

“I get my equipment prepped and make sure my [camera] batteries are charged,” Greeson said.

Any given workday for Greeson can end up with him having a full workload of shoots and edits and will end up with him staying well after the University is closed for the day.

“Depending on what is going on around campus, I sometimes will be here until 8 or 9 [pm] if we have events,” Greeson said.

Greeson’s insists that the hard work that he and the rest of the marketing department has paid off in success that is visible on campus.

 “I think the ad campaign is successful because I have seen growth in the past seven years of new students, Greeson said. “You can see around campus the growth our university has made.

“When I am out and I introduce myself and what I do, nine times out of ten I will get a response like, ‘I have seen your ads or the billboards, they are great,’” Greeson said.

Greeson stands next to his favorite mural on campus. Photo by Thomas T. Moore.
Greeson can be seen at many Wesleyan events looking just like this: Behind a camera. Photo by Thomas T. Moore.
Greeson sits in front of the famous Texas Wesleyan backdrop that is featured in many staff headshots. Photo by Thomas T. Moore.

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